(501) 352.7777

8910 Northwood Creek Drive
North Little Rock, Arkansas 72113

Northwood Creek Maumelle Patio Homes

Cost Comparison

As you weigh the advantages of moving to The Villas at Northwood Creek, it may be helpful to compare the cost of living in a community to the cost of living in your own home. You might be surprised at how expensive owning a home really is, and how much money you can save, or how much more leisurely your life can be, living at The Villas at Northwood Creek. Take a moment to compare your current monthly costs with those listed below that are provided to residents of The Villas at Northwood Creek.

Four plex (1,036 sf): One Year Lease = $1,345/month or Two Year Lease = $1,245/month
Duplex (1,215 sf): One Year Lease = $1,760/month or Two Year Lease = $1,660/month

Monthly Expenses Your Monthly Costs Villas Monthly Costs
Mortgage/Rent Payment $ ______________ $ ______________
Real Estate Taxes $ ______________ * Included
Homeowners Insurance $ ______________ * Included
Trash Pick-Up $ ______________ * Included
Lawn & Garden Maint. $ ______________ * Included
Home Repair & Maint. $ ______________ * Included
Health & Fitness Club $ ______________ * Included
TOTAL: $ ______________ $ ______________